June Pet of the Month - Monty

Monty is an 8 year old Bernese Mountain Dog. Bernese Mountain dogs were brought to Switzerland by the Romans 2,000 years ago. They were bred from crosses of Mastiffs and guard-type dogs. They are one of the four tri-colored varieties of Swiss Mountain dogs and are distinguished by their long coats. They were developed over the centuries as an all-purpose farm dog. They would pull carts, drive cattle, and guard the farm.
In 1907, a breed specialty club was founded in Switzerland. From then on they were considered show dogs and companions. Due to their ability to be both a companion and helper, their popularity began to grow throughout the world. They were brought to the United States in 1926 and recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1937.
Bernese Mountain Dogs are happy to go on long walks and also enjoy relaxing with the family. Their life expectancy is 7-10 years, they can weigh up to 110# and stand 27” at the shoulder. Some health issues this breed can face include hip and elbow dysplasia, cancer, bloat, thyroid disorders, skin problems, and autoimmune disorders. They are very affectionate, faithful, and intelligent pets. Although they can weigh up to 110#, they love to curl up on the couch or even in your lap.
Monty’s mom first fell in love with this breed when she had the opportunity to work with a Bernese Mountain Dog, named Sandy, while she was in high school. From that time on, she knew one day she wanted a Bernese Mountain Dog of her own. Several years later, Christina was looking at a litter of 2 week old pups. One pup climbed over his 10 siblings and went to Christina’s leg. When she picked him up, he kept giving her kisses. It was at this point that Christina knew this was it, he was hers. Of course that pup was Monty. According to Christina, “The Best Day Ever happened on January 8, 2011.’ That was when she was finally able to bring Monty home.
Christina says Monty is a little shy around strangers, but warms up very quickly. His favorite past times include playing in water, playing with his tennis ball, and cuddling with his mom on the couch. He is incredibly sweet and loving and projects an unconditional love to all around him.
It was late January 2019 when Christina noticed Monty was limping on his back right leg. She didn’t think too much about it since he had been romping around outside pretty hard, and as an 8 year old, he wasn’t a young dog anymore. When he wasn’t improving, Christina took him to Dr. Sappington for an exam. After viewing the x-rays, Christina states that Dr. Sappington was fairly certain Monty had cancer, so she referred Monty to MU Veterinary Oncology.
After an exam, aspiration, and PET scan, the oncologist at the University discussed the findings with Christina. He told her besides the leg and some concerns for a few lymph nodes, everything else looked great. The next day, the MU team did a biopsy of the tumor in Monty’s leg. Due to complications from the biopsy, an emergency amputation of Monty’s right back leg had to be performed. The biopsy did confirm a diagnosis of osteosarcoma, which is bone cancer. This cancer is very aggressive and can spread rapidly through the body.
Monty has currently completed 4 of his 6 chemotherapy treatments. His bloodwork looks great and nothing has shown up in his x-rays.
Christina states that this journey has been harder on her and her husband than Monty. She says that “Monty has been a complete trooper, he bounced back like there was never anything wrong and like he never needed his other leg.” She is also so thankful for the staff at Rock Bridge Animal Hospital and the team at MU for taking such great care of Monty.

If you are fortunate enough to meet Monty, you will find that not only is he a sweet, gorgeous, large cuddly guy, but he has a heart of gold. His perseverance and love of life has not changed even during the hardships he has and is facing. What an amazing guy!