January Pet of the Month - Yogi

Yogi 1Fear Free? Not always a concept new pet owners or even existing pet owners are familiar with. As Fear Free may or may not be a newly adopted lifestyle for you, it is a recently adopted lifestyle for myself and my son Yogi; a 112lb Caucasion Shepherd Dog. Whom this RBAH pet of the month is all about.

Diving right into my story, Yogi and I first met each other at a Las Vegas, Nevada rescue shelter for dogs and cats when Yogi was one year and three months old. Yogi had been surrendered to the shelter by his previous owners for reasons unknown. Although once I spotted him, it was a sealed deal.

Skip forward a few months in our new journey and you come to find us moved to COMO and searching for a Vet. Being the first one they came across, Yogi and I went to your every day “standard” veterinary clinic. At this clinic, Yogi was held down for his examination and vaccination even though he had been showing beyond normal signs of fear and aggression. This fear most likely derived from Yogi’s past, especially when taking into consideration some of Yogi’s other previous issues such as his fear of any machines, hand tools, loud noises, water, hoses, yelling, swift movements, or even his lack of listening when it comes to commands and his own name. Moving forward, I had known this “standard” veterinary practice was not the same direction I wanted to go. This was an especially easy decision to make considering Yogi had a further lack of trust after the appointment. This lack of trust continued for days until basic things, like petting and going for walks, became normal again.

Yogi 3Once my chapter at RBAH started, I was able to see first hand what amazing possibilities there were with Fear-Free training. I began to discuss with Dr. Wendy Forbes about his options of preventing future fearful interactions and sedated exams, while also reversing some of Yogi’s negative behaviors and fears at home. After attempted exams took place, Dr. Forbes and I evaluated the situation and decided behavioral sessions would be the best step moving forward. These sessions took place with Dr. Forbes bi weekly while also being trained at home daily by myself. So here it finally was, a year from the last incident and Yogi’s time to shine. Would all his training pay off? Or would it crumble in attempts at vaccination? Unbearable questions for me to answer. But with Yogi’s vaccinations due and no time left to spare, the exam was off and my questions would soon be answered. With only a slight hiccup of Yogi jumping back during Dr. Forbes’ attempts to get down to his level, Yogi’s appointment went smooth and better than I could have ever imagined. To ensure no progress is lost I will be continuing Yogi’s training at home and monthly at the hospital.

Yogi 4Yogi is nowhere near done with his training or where I want him to be. With the help of Fear-Free training, we were able to do more than reduce Yogi’s fears. We were also able tom accomplish Yogi’s exam and vaccinations without sedation or even a sign of fear! Yogi is just one of the many amazing fear-free stories that are out there. Who knows? Maybe you could be the next!

Written by André L.