January Pet of the Month - Fitz

Fitz is our January pet of the month! Fitz is a 2 year old Yorkipoo who is very scared of what people might do to him, particularly if they are not part of his family. Since he is so small, he feels his only defense is to bite, so he is unable to go to a groomer and has to be handled cautiously for his exams. He takes medication prior to his appointments to try to relax him.

When Fitz first started boarding with us it was apparent that he was a nervous little guy. He seemed to get spooked by everything. There are lots of new smells and unfamiliar sounds when you are away from home, and some pets have a more difficult time adjusting than others. Realizing that Fitz needed some extra “TLC”, our first step was to move him to a quieter area away from the other animals. This allowed him to relax a little and to start feeling more comfortable around the veterinary staff.

At first Fitz needed some extra coaxing to get him out of his cage. If you would reach in for him he would react by trying to bite to protect himself. I would spend extra time just sitting by his open kennel and talking to him, but not reaching for him. This gave him a chance to realize I was not there to harm him. Eventually I could loop a leash over his head and he would walk out on his own. With each day and each positive interaction, he started to warm up and became more confident. After a few days he started jumping into my lap!

Though it may seem small, Fitz is now comfortable being picked up and held by our staff, something he used to be very afraid of (a BIG step for him!). We were able to make progress because we didn’t ignore his fear and respected his boundaries even though he is little. With care and patience, we hope to make each of Fitz’s future visits more comfortable and stress free than the last!

Written by Sydney