April Pet of the Month

Winter in Missouri is often times full of surprises and pretty harsh. Extreme temperature fluctuation is common. You could be walking outside with just a sweater today (and not die of hypothermia) and would have to gear up with 4 extra layers tomorrow just to walk to your car (that you have hopefully warmed up […]

Store Pet Food Like a Pro!

The best way to store your pet’s food is sealed inside the original bag. Pet owners often like to use plastic containers, because it looks nicer, or because their pet likes to chomp through the bag and help himself to a snack. This is fine, but you should keep the food in the bag inside […]

March Pet of the Month

Ginger is a two-year-old German shepherd mix that first came to our hospital in July. She was adopted by her owner not long before coming to our hospital. Up-to-date on all vaccines, she had come to our clinic to be treated for tapeworms. After speaking with the owner, Dr. Forbes recommended a heartworm test and […]

When To Spay or Neuter Your Pet

So when should you spay or neuter your pet? As soon as possible, right? Maybe not. Some new studies have come out recently that question the ideal time to spay or neuter a pet. The idea of spaying and neutering (we’ll refer to it as neutering for both sexes) came about due to issues with […]

January Pet of the Month

Rafiki is a very sweet Mastiff mix puppy. He was adopted by his new Mom after the rest of the litter was killed by a coyote. Somehow Rafiki had survived in spite of a lot of blood loss and wounds. He came in for a check-up because the swelling on his face did not appear […]

February Pet of the Month

Burnie Boyle is a boisterous 2yr old lab retriever, mix that came in for an appointment on 11/17/17. He had a history of allergies, and had been vomiting since 2 a.m. The owner stated that he kept asking to go outside and every time that he would he would continuously eat grass, then vomit it […]

October Pet of the Month

The morning of May 2nd, I pulled in the parking lot at work and noticed a man pacing around his vehicle like something was wrong. It was 7:15, so a little early for one of our patients to be showing up. As I got out of my car, he approached me and said his dog […]

September Pet of the Month

Helmock AKA Hemi is a 1 year old neutered male domestic shorthair cat. He was presented to our clinic on in July for acting lethargic, vomiting and laying by his water bowl.   Upon examination Dr Sappington found that Hemi’s bladder was the size of a small balloon. His bladder grew because he was not […]

June Pet of the Month

Nelson Goodnick is a 13-year-old female domestic short-hair cat. She is a very sweet and loving feline who has been seen in our office since 2015. Felines are capable of not showing their pain tolerance and don’t really let you know if they are in pain because to cats that is showing they are vulnerable […]

Baby Deer

So we had someone drop off a baby deer at our clinic. It was ADORABLE! The story was that the fawn had been caught in his chain link fence for 3 days. The mother had been hanging around for the first 2 days, then the 3rd day he didn’t see her. Unfortunately he left before […]