Store Pet Food Like a Pro!

The best way to store your pet’s food is sealed inside the original bag. Pet owners often like to use plastic containers, because it looks nicer, or because their pet likes to chomp through the bag and help himself to a snack. This is fine, but you should keep the food in the bag inside of the container. Why, you ask? There are several reasons.
For one, kibble poured directly into a container leaves residue on the sides of the container. If you don’t wash this with soap and water before refilling it, that residue can eventually grow molds that will contaminate the new food and make your pet sick.
Secondly, you may need information from the packaging. If there were ever a recall on your pet’s food, you would need access to the lot number and expiration date on the bag. It is also helpful in case your vet asks for the name of the food you’re feeding (it’s easy to forget with the number of options out there!) and the calories per cup.
Finally, the bag can be rolled down to limit the amount of air in contact with the food and keep it from getting stale. Happy pet snacking!

“I thought you were going to feed me. What are you waiting for?”