Boarding Consent Form

*Any vaccines not current must be given upon arrival for boarding*

Required vaccines (DA2PP, Rabies, Bordatella, Negative Fecal for Dogs; FVRCP, Rabies for Cats)

Your name is required
Enter pets name
Sharing a space with another pet?
Did you bring your own food?
Medications Required?

*There will be an additional fee of $1.77/day for administering oral or topical medication and $8.80/day for injections*

Would you like your pet to receive a bath, ear cleaning and nail trim for $50.48?
Select option for bathing
After 7 nights of boarding your pet will receive a complimentary bath (dogs only) – nail trims excluded
Would you like your pet to receive a nail trim ($19.89)
If you pet seems anxious while boarding or during procedures, can we prescribe anxiety medications (Requires a current exam within the last year with one of our doctors).
Would you like us to call you if we notice a NON-emergency medical condition?
If no, you approve treatment for minor urgent conditions, such as diarrhea, limping or wounds up to
Enter name and phone number
Your email address is required here 
Someone other than me has permission to pick up my pet

*We close Wednesdays from 12-2 pm*
*Sunday pickup 5-5:30pm*

If parasites are found on your pet during the stay, they will be treated as deemed appropriate by the veterinarian and the cost of the treatment will be added to the total bill.

Reasonable precaution will be used against injury, escape, or death of this pet. The clinic and staff will not be held liable for problems that develop provided reasonable care and precautions are followed. I understand that any problem that develops with my pet will be treated as deemed best by the staff veterinarians and I assume full responsibility for the treatment expense involved.

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