February Pet of the Month

Sammi is a 1.5 year old Sheltie who was first brought to us back in February of 2019. The owner had just recently adopted him from a breeder who noted that Sammi had some mouth and teeth issues that would need to be addressed and teeth possibly removed.   Upon presentation, Sammi looked to be […]

January Pet of the Month

All animals and humans when faced with lethal danger, harmful situations or adversities will react accordingly. After all, trying to survive is deeply rooted into all species’ instincts. This can vary from self preservation to the most extreme “fight-or-flight” response.   As a veterinary technician I am glad I do not have to deal with […]

What’s up with all the Poo?

Working at a veterinary clinic you see a lot of poop. Like, every day. And, we ask for it! So why are we always asking you to bring your dog’s poop, even if it looks normal? Well, it can tell us a lot. Interesting tidbit: Did you know scientists are using elephant dung to combat […]

November Pet of the Month

We are excited to announce Herschel is our November pet of the month! Nothing is more fitting to end the spooky season than with the idea of our beloved pets contracting Heartworms. Even the name brings a scary thought to our imagination. Herschel is a 5 year old, Chocolate colored Pitbull weighing in at a […]

How to Feed Your Cat

To feed your cat you leave a full bowl out and let them eat what they want, right? Nah, you know us better than that! Cats do have specific needs regarding how they are fed to keep them happy and healthy.   For starters, cats prefer to eat alone. Eating in close proximity to a […]

October Pet of the Month

Nature trails and parks are always a great way to exercise your dog, and they are especially popular with pet owners on warm summer days. This is exactly where LuLu, a 10 year old chihuahua, and her owner decided to go one sunny day in April. They were walking along the trails at Rock Bridge […]

June Pet of the Month

Monty is an 8 year old Bernese Mountain Dog. Bernese Mountain dogs were brought to Switzerland by the Romans 2,000 years ago. They were bred from crosses of Mastiffs and guard-type dogs. They are one of the four tri-colored varieties of Swiss Mountain dogs and are distinguished by their long coats. They were developed over […]

April Pet of the Month

Forrest is a 3 ½ year old Austrian Cattle dog. He came to Rock Bridge Animal Hospital back in July for his first examination. Dr. Forbes and the technicians quickly noticed how anxious and stressed he was as Forrest would hide behind his mom on the bench and would not come out from behind her […]

March Pet of the Month

We often hear of or make allusions to diabetes: for instance there is a really sweet sugar stuffed cookie sweetness that one can buy at the mall and I call it “The Diabetes Cookie”. We often associate human diabetes with highly sweet diets. But what is diabetes? And how do animals develop it if they […]

Diet-Associated Dilated Cardiomyopathy

We wanted to bring to your attention a concerning new heart problem associated with certain types of dog foods, called Diet-Associated Dilated Cardiomyopathy. Recently, cardiologists noticed an increasing number of dogs with a heart condition called Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM). In DCM, the heart becomes enlarged, and the walls get thinner and weaker, and less able […]