November Pet of the Month

Congratulations to Tinker, our November Pet of the Month!



The dynamic duo
The dynamic duo
Tinker is a beautiful 6 month old black and white domestic short hair. The staff at Rock Bridge Animal Hospital first saw Tinker and her sister, Mapp, in May of 2013 for their first kitten visit. Both kittens were very spunky, and it didn’t take too long for Tinker to get into some mischief.


Tinker the Innocent
Tinker the Innocent
Tinker came in on July 22, 2013 for a large bump under her chin. She had been to the University Medical Center over the weekend and her owners wanted us to take another look at it. The doctor decided to keep Tinker on the antibiotics the University had prescribed, and to keep an eye on the bump to see if it had gone down. By the next day, the bump was looking much better so it seemed like the antibiotics were working.


Object outlined in yellow
Object outlined in yellow
About a week later, Tinker came back in so we could check the bump again. It was much smaller now, but it seemed very firm, so Dr. Sappington suggested we take some x-rays to see if we could find a problem. The x-rays revealed that there was definitely something cylindrical under Tinker’s chin. The doctor suggested that we perform surgery to remove the object.


It turns out that the object was a little rubber cap to a metal rack. We’re not entirely sure how to cap made its way into Tinker’s chin, but we are happy that her owners were so CIMG3361proactive in finding out the cause of her bump because we were able to take care of it quickly, and Tinker was able to feel better sooner. Tinker and her sister Mapp are such sweet cats and we love seeing them here at Rock Bridge Animal Hospital!